Black Powder – .22 Plinking

The Wilderness Range includes both the Primitive Black Powder Range and the Skirmish Field. Access to the Wilderness Range is via the road which begins on the east side of the Rifle/Pistol Range parking lot. When the Wilderness Range is closed during the winter months, black powder shooters are welcome to use the Rifle/Pistol Range during normal hours.


CCKC Bristol Ranges do not have firearms available for rent!

Concealed carry and open carry firearms are not allowed at CCKC Bristol Ranges!

Alcohol is prohibited at all CCKC Bristol Ranges.

Black Powder bristol 6-17-23 3
Black Powder Dragoon 5-6-23
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Black Powder:

Hours of Operation

Saturday & Sunday only 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Opens the first week in April and closes the first weekend in December

Closed on holidays

Daily Shooting Fees

Member: $10.00
Non-Member: $40.00

Primitive Black Powder Range

The Wilderness (Black Powder) Range encourages the use of traditional muzzle loaders and antique cartridge firearms, either original or reproductions, designed for cartridges in use before the advent of smokeless powder and prior to 1893. Guns used in Cowboy Action Shooting, .22, .22 Magnum or .17 caliber rifle or handguns are not permitted on the BP Range

Targets are set at 25, 50 and 100 yards and steel gongs are set at 25, 50 and 130 yards.

Many of the shooters on the Primitive Black Powder Range are members of the National Muzzleloading Rifle Association (NMLRA), The North South Shooters Association (NSSA) and the American Civil War Shooting Association (ACWSA). These associations sponsor various shoots and Rendezvous each year.

Watch for future events in the CCKC Bristol Ranges Newsletter or Announcements and Calendar.

Skirmish Field

The Skirmish Field is used by Civil War enthusiasts for skirmish re-enactments. Special black powder competitions and cowboy action shooting matches are also held there. The Skirmish Field has a target backstop 280 feet long.

Black Powder Range Rules

  • All range users and shooters are personally responsible for range safety and safe shooting.
  • All shooters are responsible to immediately correct any unsafe conditions.
  • If you observe any unsafe situation, report it immediately to a range officer.
  • Persons who have been consuming alcohol or under the influence of drugs are prohibited from shooting.
  • No In-Lines are allowed.
  • Lead bullets ONLY.

Anyone not following these rules will be ejected from CCKC Bristol Ranges

Contact us

Black Powder/.22 Plinking Range Officers

George Broecker 847-421-1246
Dan Christiansen 262-891-2099

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.22 Plinking Range

Hours of Operation

Saturday & Sunday only 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Opens the first week in April and closes the first weekend in December

Steel targets are placed at yardages of 15 to 50 yards along with Paper targets that can be placed at yardages up to 50 yards

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.22 Range Rules

  • .22 Long Rifle, .22 Long, .22 Short Rimfire cartridges only
  • No Magnums – No Exceptions
  • Firearms will be pointed down-range at all times unless cased
  • Case and uncase your firearm at the shooting table
  • During a break, all firearms will be placed on the shooting tables with actions open and pointing down-range
  • No handling of firearms during the break

Anyone not following these rules will be ejected from CCKC Bristol Ranges