CCKC Bristol Ranges History
On these pages we are attempting to outline some of the history of our club. We have a fantastic heritage here and we would like to be able to pass along to the present membership how CCKC Bristol Ranges came to be what it is today and to honor all those who have worked so hard to make it so.
Our biggest problem is a lack of information. We know the club was established around 1928, but precious little is available detailing the early days. In its nearly 75 years of existence, CCKC Bristol Ranges has seen many changes. But there are almost no remaining records telling us how the club came into being or the many transitions the various ranges have undergone to become what they are today.
So we make an appeal to you, our membership, to help us. If you have any information, pictures, old meeting notes, etc, that might help, please contact us.
General Club History
Although our club logo indicates that the club has been in existence since 1928, Phil Sander (CCKC Bristol Ranges President 1939-1941) tells us: “The club [was] started in 1933 … by a group of sportsmen interested in the winter feeding of ring neck pheasants and propagating game birds.” Phil, who assisted in the building of our present clubhouse, also sent a list of the Past Presidents of the club, starting with Bob Johnson in 1933. This list also notes that the club received a charter on 10/9/35 as the Kenosha County Conservation Club, which was changed to the Conservation Club of Kenosha County on 7/26/50, and that the club acquired the present grounds around 1955.

Early North Rifle Range
Before the construction of the present Rifle/Pistol Range in 1975, the Rifle range was located on the North side of Hwy. AH, about where the Archery Range is today. Below are some pictures of the North Range although we don’t have much information on these pictures.
Looking North on the North Range (picture above)
The sign on the post reminds spectators to stay back of the firing line (good advice!). The shooting bench just to the left of this sign has a sign hanging from the rope. This sign says, “Professional Sighting-In; Expert Advice; $100 per Rifle” Now, it may be a joke or it may be $1.00, even under maximum magnification it is hard to tell.
Here are some more pictures of the North Range, obviously taken much later. Although faded in places, these pictures show that the range was quite busy.